Supporting students is very important to us. We want to introduce young people to fascinating topics in basic research, give them the opportunity to get to know new things in a relaxed atmosphere and to also be able to try oneself out in practical activities outside of school.

Internships are possible with us all year round, after previous arrangement. Either in form of a compulsory internship (e.g. practical semester of FH and university students) or as an introductoryinternship. The duration and payment depend on the type of internship.
We especially want to encourage girls and women to get a first impression of scientific and technical work with us. No previous knowledge is required in the course of an introductory internship. Only curiosity and the willingness to learn something new.
If you are a student applying for a practical semester, it would be helpful if you are studying a scientific or technical subject and have some previous knowledge, especially in mathematics and physics.
In case you want to explore the secrets of gravitation and support us for a long period of time, please send your application to: