This FAQ-article will be available soon.…
Gigantic cosmological events with tiny terrestrial effects: Why detecting gravitational waves is quite a lot of hard work.
This FAQ-article will be available soon.…
Gravitational theories – a historical overview
This FAQ-article will be available soon.…
Gravitational waves
This FAQ-article will be available soon.…
Gravitational anomalies: Are there places on our planet where the gravitational potential pulls a body (e.g. a car) up a mountain against all expectations?
Places like Roca di Papa in Italy or Karpacz Gorny in Poland are known for so-called „gravitational anomalies“. Only precise measurements could clarify what these phenomena are really about. The most obvious explanation is an optical illusion that makes you …
Has it so far been possible to artificially create a weightless environment?
On earth, artificial weightlessness can only be achieved by letting a body fall freely. This is achieved in parabolic flights with airplanes or in drop towers. The achievable duration ranges from a few seconds (drop tower) to a few minutes …