Tides are created by the rotation of the Earth and Moon around the common centre of mass. The difference forces between gravitational and centrifugal forces are decisive. These forces ensure that a flood mountain is formed on the Earth both …
Why is there different gravitation on earth, what does it depend on and where is it greatest?
The size of the earth’s gravitional pull or gravity acceleration g depends on the mass distribution in the earth.
The size of the earth’s gravitational pull or gravity acceleration g depends on the mass distribution in the earth. The more …
What does the unit ‚Gal‘ mean?
‚Gal‘ stands for Galileo and is another unit for the acceleration of gravity g, which is mainly used in geophysics. It is 1 Gal = 10 -2 m/s², thus g= 981 Gal. For the description of small effects mGal = …
What is the difference between G and g?
„Capital G“ is the constant of proportionality in Newton’s law of gravit. It established a formal relationship between the masses, the distance and the resulting gravitational force. It is now assumed that G is not constant, but could depend on …
What is gravitation?
Gravity is the property of masses to attract each other. The force of attraction depends on the size of the masses and their distance. It decreases quadratically with distance. The first one to experimentally proof mass attraction with a torsion …